
I’m glad you are visiting. If you have any comments or questions, please reach me at derrick@rice.io.

Data, Software, and Privacy

I am a privacy and data management consultant & engineer. My engagements range from privacy guidance to building systems software and data infrastructure. You can find more details on the services I offer.

If you would like to have a low-stakes chat about data systems, privacy compliance, or balancing data risk vs value, please drop me an email and we’ll set something up.

CIPT: Certified Information Privacy Technologist
CIPT Certified

Approach and Style

Here are some of my distinguishing skills:

  • Skilled Communication: Demonstrated strength in business discussions and problem-solving with high profile clients, executives, and cross-functional partners. Practiced public speaker.
  • Talent Acquisition: Experience creating candidate profiles, collaborating with recruiters, building interview protocol, and interviewing candidates.
  • Industry Expertise: Equipped with institutional knowledge and best practices from highly trusted companies including Facebook, Akamai, and HP Vertica.


Check out my portfolio.